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Version 3.3 Changelog

21 April 2024 by James

Version 3.3 brings a couple of new features and several bug fixes, including a long awaited journey planner!


New Feature: Journey Planner

After years of telling people a journey planner is "coming soon", I'm excited to announce it's finally here! It's not perfect - it might generate a few illogical routes here and there - but overall it's not too shabby.

I've attempted to make the journey planner UI as simple as possible while maintaining helpful features such as selecting the preferred modes of transport.


How to use: all you need to do is select an origin and destination, and optionally a via location. You can also as many modes of transport as you wish. By default, all modes excluding buses are selected.

I've found that journeys with the Bus mode selected can be illogical -- however, some routes aren't possible without taking a bus, so make sure it's selected if you need it.


Home Page Enhancement

Tools are now linked on the Home Page for improved navigation. 



That's all for now! Enjoy the update and check back soon for more!



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